We are experienced advocates for our clients involved in disputes with administrative agencies and licensing. We have prevailed against state agencies such as the Utah Division of Consumer Protection, the Utah Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing (DOPL), and the Utah Residence Lien Recovery Fund.
Deciding what type of business entity to form can be confusing. Ensuring the entity is set up correctly can help create a solid foundation for your business.
Entity formation is an important decision. When done right, it can alleviate stress and help to avoid potential legal issues in the future. Talk with one of our attorneys today to ensure your business is protected and structured in a way best suited for your business needs and objectives.
Corporate officers often act in unrestricted ways to fulfill their business obligations, potentially appearing to further their personal goals rather than that of the business. Do you believe some of their decisions may have been in violation of their fiduciary duties?
At Ascione Law, our experience can help uncover a breach of fiduciary duty and create effective strategies for recovery of your losses.
The question of how to protect your business and ensure that it continues to benefit your loved ones can be complicated. We will work with you to develop an effective succession plan that will complement your individual estate planning.
If you are facing an obstacle you can rely on us to help you begin moving forward. Call 801-854-1200 or simply contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.